(Image source from: Tattoos can make you cancer prone})
Trees grow on their own because of the Nature’s provision for them. But we grow them as per our need at the convenient place to facilitate our consumption which is called cultivation. A spot on the skin serves no purpose but a spot sometimes may enhance beauty of a face of a person. So, artificial spots are made by some to enhance their beauty and as a custom in some communities. They used to use natural colors extracted from trees in those days that go well with the body.
As the spots developed now into bigger tattoos with different designs punctured on different parts of the body and became a fashion nowadays, the ink used has to be made artificially and manufactured in mass production to cater larger community, using chemicals. Ink used in tattoos can also use nanotechnology! Nanoparticles of the ink can get in to the blood stream and enter vital parts to weaken the functionality of that organ over a time.
The disclosure is made by a group of researchers in Melbourne. The researchers earlier found that the particles of cobalt and mercury were found in the dye.
The Director of the Center for Skin Sciences of Bradford University, Desmond Tobin says that the substances are toxic and can harm a person.
Other medical experts also go to the extent that a regulation should be there to check on tattoo industries just like in the case of smoking industries and sunbathing lotion manufacturers.