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Shanti Mandir , New York
Ad ID : 683339 | 352 views| Edit / Delete
Address 51 Muktananda Marg,
New York
Phone No (845) 778-1008
Email Id walden@shantimandir.com
Contact Shanti Mandir
Shanti Mandir was established in 1987 by Mahamandaleshwar Swami Nityananda. The organization continues the spiritual work of his Guru, the renowned sage Baba Muktananda, whom he succeeded in 1982. Providing access to the teachings and practices of the great sages of India, in particular those of the lineage represented by Swami Nityananda; Baba Muktananda; and his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda Guiding seekers to the direct experience of divinity through Sanskrit chanting, silent meditation, study of sacred texts, the offering of service, and participation in sacred rituals Continuing the Vedic tradition through teaching the Vedic way of life and the philosophy of Vedanta, performing the ancient sacred rituals of the tradition, and receiving other saints of the tradition Shri Muktananda
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