Donald Trump to take USD 1 salary with no vacation!Top Stories

November 14, 2016 06:18
Donald Trump to take USD 1 salary with no vacation!

US President-elect Donald Trump has said he would take USD 1 as his salary a year and will refrain from going on any vacation.

Responding a question that whether he was going to the president’s salary, the New York billionaire said, he will not take the USD 400,000 that comes with the US president’s job and “No, I’m not gonna take the salary. I’m not taking it.”

“I think I have to by law take USD 1, so I’ll take USD 1 a year. But I don’t even know what it is,” 70-year-old Trump said.

“We have so much work. There’s so much work to be done. And I want to get it done for the people,” the business tycoon said. “I want to get it done. We’re lowering taxes, we’re taking care of health care. I mean, there’s just so much to be done. So I don’t think we’ll be very big on vacations, no,” Trump said.

The surprise victory of Donald Trump over his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton in presidential elections shocked many who had expected Hillary to win following favorable opinion polls.

Also Read: Donald Trump open to keeping parts of Obamacare!


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