Search Results On usa and india

usa and india

  • Indian students going to US, Indian students going to US, number of indian students going to united states doubled in last 10 years u s embassy, Usa and india

    Number of Indian Students Going to United States Doubled in Last 10 Years: U.S. Embassy 2019-06-12 12:30:19

    The number of Indian students going to the United States has doubled in the last 10 years, said the officials in the Embassy of the United States during the fifth annual edition of Student Visa Day on Wednesday. “In 2018,...

    Keywords: Indian students going to United States, Indian students going to US, Indian students enrolled in US education institutions, Indian students going to US

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    H-1B visa holders USA limit, H-1B visa holders USA time limit, how h 1b visa holders stay beyond 6 years in the usa, Usa and india

    How H-1B visa holders stay beyond 6 years in the USA? 2025-01-28 14:49:51

    Thousands of Indians work in the United States every year on a temporary visa like the H-1b, but have the dream of getting a permanent place of residence through a green card. The journey from H-1b visa to the constant...

    Keywords: H-1B visa holders USA new breaking, H-1B visa holders USA from India, H-1B visa holders USA stay, H-1B visa holders USA from India

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    Bipartisan Bill in USA to be passed, Bipartisan Bill in USA to be passed, to end aging out of indian immigrations indian american congressman supports bipartisan bill, Usa and india

    To End Aging out of Indian Immigrations, Indian American Congressman Supports Bipartisan Bill 2022-06-14 09:30:34

    The Indian American Democratic Congressmen called for the passage of America's Children Act and bipartisan legislation. The move will protect the documented aspirants who are depending on long-term non-immigrant visa holders from aging out when they turn 21. Ami Bera,...

    Keywords: Bipartisan Bill in USA news, Bipartisan Bill in USA breaking news, Bipartisan Bill in USA breaking news, Bipartisan Bill in USA latest

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    Joe Biden India updates, Joe Biden, joe biden assures help to india in these tough covid times, Usa and india

    Joe Biden assures help to India in these tough COVID times 2021-04-26 04:33:31

    India is shattered due to the second wave of coronavirus and the new cases are increasing on a record note all over. The country witnessed more than 3.5 lakh new cases on Sunday and the experts say that the tally...

    Keywords: Coronavirus, India, Joe Biden India pandemic time, India

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    Indian Illegal Immigrants in USA, Illegal Immigrants in USA breaking news, 6 4 million illegal immigrants living in us says report, Usa and india

    6.4 million Illegal Immigrants living in US says Report 2023-11-23 07:43:16

    The findings of the study revealed that around three percent of the total population in the United States consisted of unauthorized immigrants, amounting to approximately 10.5 million individuals. Furthermore, these unauthorized immigrants accounted for 22 percent of the foreign-born population....

    Keywords: Illegal Immigrants in USA Indians, Illegal Immigrants in USA study, Indian Illegal Immigrants in USA, Indian Illegal Immigrants in USA

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