Search Results On president elect donald

president elect donald

  • FBI, Bill Clinton, hillary lost because of angry white men, President elect donald

    Hillary lost because of 'angry white men'! 2016-12-21 05:29:54

    The former United States president Bill Clinton blame the FBI, Russians and "angry white men" for his wife and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's loss in the US Presidential election. The Record-Review reported, Bill Clinton said that, "He (US President...

    Keywords: angry white men, Bill Clinton, Hillary's loss in US election, Russians

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    Indian Americans, Donald Trump, trump fills his administration, President elect donald

    Trump fills his administration 2016-12-02 07:29:43

    American President elect Donald Trump is all set to take charge on 20 January 2017. after the election result was declared, he was busy choosing his team to make ‘America Great Again’, his campaign slogan. The Indian diaspora is overwhelmed...

    Keywords: Indian Americans, American President, American President, Donald Trump

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    Events in Bay area, Events in Bay Area Tied to Trump Inaguration, events in bay area tied to trump inaguration, President elect donald

    Events in Bay Area Tied to Trump Inaguration 2017-01-16 10:16:15

    List of the events in Bay Area tied to Inaguration of President elect Donald Trump on 20th January Events on Wednesday Standing together: Elected officials and the volunteers together have organized an event “Fundraiser for progreesive organizations from 6 to...

    Keywords: Bay Area events tied to Trump’s Inaguration, Events in Bay Area Tied to Trump Inaguration, Events in Bay area, Bay Area events tied to Trump’s Inaguration

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    Donald Trump, Trump Tower, search dump tower for trump tower on google maps, President elect donald

    Search 'Dump Tower' for 'Trump Tower' on Google Maps! 2016-11-28 05:21:45

    In a bizzare incident, an unknown person renamed the United States President elect Donald Trump's midtown Manhattan building 'Trump Tower' as 'Dump Tower' on the Google Maps resulting, if someone searches for Trump Tower on mapping service, they will not...

    Keywords: Dump Tower, Donald Trump, Dump Tower, Trump Tower

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