Search Results On oily hair

oily hair

  • beetroot for hair loss, hair problems in monsoon, 5 fruitful tips to say goodbye to your hair problems during monsoon, Oily hair

    5 Fruitful Tips to Say Goodbye to Your Hair Problems During Monsoon 2019-06-24 10:09:59

    Monsoon comes with untold hassles, especially ones that come with hair is vexing. Itchy scalp, dandruff, infections, lice, etc are pretty common this season. Apparently, it is said that hair fall increases by about 30 percent in monsoon season owing...

    Keywords: hair color in monsoon, hair color in monsoon, rainy season, hair problems in monsoon

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    Dry Shampoos and conditioners, Risks of Oily hair, remedies for oily hair caring tips, Oily hair

    Remedies for Oily Hair - Caring Tips 2015-04-17 13:19:00

    Bad hair is really a punishment for many as they have to spend maximum time on caring or setting their hair. Some will have very dull and dry hair without live in hair, while some others are having greasy look...

    Keywords: Dry Shampoos and conditioners, Risks of Oily hair, Risks of Oily hair, Hair growth

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    Home Remedy, Lemon Juice, deal with the oil now, Oily hair

    Deal with the oil now! 2013-09-12 10:31:40

    Does your scalp get as oily as your nose?  Even after rinsing your hair everyday, does your hair look it hasn't been washed for weeks? If so, it's time to cut the grease and make your hair bounce with life....

    Keywords: Lemon Juice, Recipe, Lemon Juice, Lemon Juice

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