Search Results On obama era

obama era

  • nikki haley followers, social media of diplomats, nikki haley gives up 1 7 mn twitter followers as per rules, Obama era

    Nikki Haley Gives up 1.7 Mn Twitter Followers as per Rules 2019-01-03 06:13:03

    Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley begun her new year by relaunching her Twitter account, in the process losing all of her posts and followers from her time as South Carolina governor and the United States ambassador to the UN....

    Keywords: nikki haley twitter followers, nikki haley family, haley, social media of diplomats

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    Obama, presidency, kamala harris to run for u s presidency 2020 reports, Obama era

    Kamala Harris to Run for U.S. Presidency 2020: Reports 2018-11-13 11:33:21

    The first India-origin United States Senator Kamala Harris, who also know as the "female Obama", is considering to run for the White House in 2020, according to media reports.The news came days after Harris demonstrated a strong showing by the...

    Keywords: term elections, united states, election, white house

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    International Entrepreneur Rule, Immigration, united states plans to rescind international entrepreneur rule, Obama era

    United States Plans to Rescind International Entrepreneur Rule 2018-05-29 10:23:36

    The United States Department of Homeland Security is regarding plans to repeal the International Entrepreneur Rule that would permit immigrant start-up founders to stay in U.S. for up to five years. The initiatory introduced during the Obama era, was planned...

    Keywords: United States, Immigration, United States, Immigration

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    Zeya, Zeya, uzra zeya quits u s state dept over racist gender bias, Obama era

    Uzra Zeya Quits U.S. State Dept. Over Racist, Gender Bias 2018-09-25 05:36:30

    An Indian-American diplomat Uzra Zeya has quit the U.S. state department alleging sexist and racial discrimination in a Trump administration trend that she says involves "the exclusion of minorities from top leadership positions in the state department and embassies abroad".After...

    Keywords: racism in Trump administration, Zeya, Obama era, racism

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    Indian women, can i get a work permit while waiting for green card, white house receives proposed regulation to end work permits for immigrant spouses, Obama era

    White House Receives Proposed Regulation to End Work Permits for Immigrant Spouses 2019-02-23 05:51:04

    The White House has officially received the proposed changes in the current regulations to end the work authorization for spouses of the holders of H-1B visas. H-1B visa, the most sought-after Indian Information Technology (IT) professionals, allows the United States...

    Keywords: Work Permits for Immigrant Spouses, can i get a work permit while waiting for green card, work permit expired can i still work, us work permit processing time

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    NASSCOM report on H1B VISAS, NASSCOM report on H1B VISAS, nasscom report says that us firms may be affected with decision of disallowing h1b spouses permit, Obama era

    Nasscom Report says that US firms may be affected with decision of disallowing H1B spouses permit 2018-04-28 11:04:53

    The proposed plan by Trump administration, to scrap Obama era rule, that allowed spouses of H1B visa holders to make their work in the united states will make it difficult for American industries, to retain high skilled workers, said a...


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