Search Results On convulsion


  • love bite, love bite, teenager dies from stroke caused by love bite from his girlfriend, Convulsion

    Teenager dies from stroke 'caused by love bite from his girlfriend' 2016-08-30 05:20:28

    A Mexican teenage boy is reportedly died from a stroke that is understood to have been caused by a love bite from his girlfriend. According to the local media, the 17 years old Julio Macias Gonzalez, started having convulsions while...

    Keywords: hickey, Mexican teenage, hickey, hickey

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    Jersey Shore motel, swimming pool, man risks life to save another from drowning in electrified pool, Convulsion

    Man risks life to save another from drowning in electrified pool 2016-05-31 09:33:27

    A man in New Jersey is in critical condition after he received an electric shock while swimming in a Jersey Shore motel pool. Greg Subiszak of Fair Lawn was found at the bottom of a pool in Cape May. The...

    Keywords: swimming pool, swimming pool, Jersey Shore motel, electrified pool.

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    nipah virus essay, nipah virus essay, here s how you can prevent deadly infection nipah virus from affecting you, Convulsion

    Here’s How You Can Prevent Deadly Infection Nipah Virus from Affecting You 2019-06-04 10:54:21

    Kerala state is now on high alert after its first outbreak of Nipah virus infection. A 23-year-old was tested positive for the illness. Following which, 86 people across the state have been put under surveillance after sending out their samples...

    Keywords: nipah virus origin, nipah virus, nipah virus prevention, nipah virus kerala

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    Children, natural baby, green babies, Convulsion

    Green babies 2012-02-22 10:34:05

    You can create a safe, healthy, non-toxic haven for your baby starting with decorating the new nursery. After all, nothing brightens a room more than a fresh lick of paint. But not all paints are environmentally friendly — in fact,...

    Keywords: organic baby products, breastfeeding, green living, green living

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    headache, Sunstroke can be deadly, sunstroke can be critical, Convulsion

    Sunstroke can be critical! 2013-05-27 06:32:30

    Insufferable summer heat can cause debilitating illness. In heatstroke alone, there are two kinds of conditions - sunstroke and heat exhaustion. SUNSTROKE: Sunstroke occurs due to direct rays from the sun. The patient falls unconscious. The pupils are usually contracted....

    Keywords: weakness, homoeo treatment for heat, homoeopathy treatment for sun stroke, Mental confusion

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