Will Kiran Sarkar sustain!!!In the News

March 23, 2012 06:49
Will Kiran Sarkar sustain!!!

The Chief Minister, N. Kiran Kumar Reddy days seemed to be numbered, is the hottest gossip doing the rounds across the political circles. CM who is known for his valiant efforts in harboring the employment dreams in the youth has invited unnecessary controversies with the discrepancies in the Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu scheme. In spite of brilliant efforts mutiny has taken the driving seat and could pave way for descend.

The by-polls election result already has taken the toll with the resignation of the health minister, who was waiting for a chance, since clipping the wings in cabinet shuffle. But the most evident point of mutiny is visible as the CM admittedly owned up for the failure and added that the Ministers could not carry the working of the government into the people.

Another valid point is the former disheartened Minister Dr Shankar Rao had filed a PIL about a 500cr scam, which included the Kiranji too, say sources. Already there is speculations that the PCC chief Botsa may make claims to resign due to election output. Another buzz is the AICC state in charge wants CM to do the act.

The third missile to hit as per rumors is the hike in electricity charges, which might be on the anvil. This would only further evoke dissent from the public, which might be uncontrollable. The last but the most important is the pending decision of the Congress (UPA) on the Telangana issue. All this only adds fuel to the fire and shows directions of exit to the present government or on the larger scale may be the Congress itself. (With inputs from internet- AarKay)

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