Indian guru Sri Chinmoy's anniversary cake sets Guinness record in US!Hot Buzz

December 08, 2016 04:58
Indian guru Sri Chinmoy's anniversary cake sets Guinness record in US!

A new Guinness World Record was made in the United States, when a staggering 72,585 candles were lit on a birthday cake on the occasion of  85th birth anniversary of the late Indian spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy.

Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, better known as Sri Chinmoy was moved to New York City in 1964. He taught meditation in the West.

A team of 100 people worked together to make the cake, individually place each candle and then light them with 60 blowtorches.  at the Sri Chinmoy Centre in New York. The candles remained burning for about 40 seconds.


The sponge cake was created in the shape of a huge rectangle measuring 80.5 feet long and two feet wide and was filled with vanilla mousse.

There were far too many candles for anyone to blow out in the traditional manner, so the candles were put out with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to ensure that the dessert was still edible afterwards.  

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